PAX A920 Pro Payment Terminal with Datacap Direct

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Sale price$410.00


PAX A920 Pro

Product Features: 

The PAX A920 Pro payment terminal comes with a larger screen, faster performance, and a built-in professional infrared barcode scanner. With PAXBiz powered by Android, the A920 Pro incorporates all the features that make the A920 so successful, such as its sleek and ergonomic design, integrated camera, high-speed thermal printer, and high-capacity battery. The performance and feature upgrades coupled with the best loved features from its original predecessor deliver an exciting and fresh payment experience across all dynamic environments where mobility and speed matter.

 PAXBiz® powered by Android™

  • 5.5″ IPS Touchscreen
  • Laser Scanner Options
  • PCI PTS 5.x

Before use, take the sticker off the battery to properly charge your device. 

Datacap Direct

Product Features: 

  • Datacap Direct is the bridge that connects the device and NETePay Hosted
  • Stand-alone option allows for out-of-the-box payment processing, no development, and remote conversion semi-intergrated mode
  • Semi-intergrated option allows for consolidated batching and reporting one-to-many payments integration, and connection to omichannel payments platforms
  • Supports all processors and thousands of ISOs and merchant serivce providers

Datacap Direct Includes: 

  • Datacap NETePay Load
  • Datacap Direct Load
  • Datacap E2E Load

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